Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Quietude, and ending it

No, I am not in fact dead or vanilla, just spending a lot of time away from the computer. I've actually had a pretty yummy and kinky time over the last few days.

Among other things, I got to auction off some of my handprocessed rope (and lessons on how to use it) for charity, which was fantastic. A friend and co-teacher of mine offered herself as my demo bottom, and to both of our surprise she went into subspace in the middle of my very short demo. It was lovely, and a lot of fun. And, I made some money for a (non-kink) organization I deeply love.

I also got in a surprising amount of play considering that I was volunteering in a nominally non-kink (but 100% Freak Nation) space. There was the D/s flirting in the kitchen, my demo, my helping another friend demo flogging techniques, and lots and lots of silly drive-by ass smackings. Oh, and the darling friend from out of town who left me black and blue with a riding crop. I love my friends.

So, that should hopefully dispell any rumors. I haven't suddenly gone non-kinky; I just haven't had a spare second to write.

Which will be changing soon, I suspect. I have a fair amount on the horizon to write about. Never rains but it pours, I tell you.

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