Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Polyamory hits the dailies

Of the places I'd expect to see an article on polyamory, I can't say the Chicago Tribune was high on my list.

While the article isn't overwhelmingly positive (descriptions of folks past their teens gazing "googly-eyed" aren't generally approving), it also isn't a smear piece. Mostly, it seems to make polyamorous folk look, well, as pedestrian as GLBT folks.

"The majority of polyamorists are white middle- and upper-class professionals," says Elisabeth Sheff, an assistant professor of sociology at Georgia State University. She's one of the few academics who have studied polyamory, interviewing hundreds for her research.

"Many work in the computer industry, so there is a strong online community. They tend to gravitate toward urban areas," she said, "much like gays and lesbians."

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