Friday, December 1, 2006

Things I've learned

Well, I learned a few things tonight in re-processing the hemp rope I've been working on.

1. This thing about hemp rope not playing nicely with water? True!

2. Knots in hemp subjected to water? I might as well forget about ever getting them out.

3. My EMT shears work, even on stubborn water-logged rope.

Learning these lessons experientially without a submissive in the ropes? Priceless.

I probably needed a couple of 15 foot lengths of the 6mm anyway. But next time I'll take the damned midpoint knots out and crochet the rope properly before running it through the washer. Sheesh.

In other news, tonight I did my burnishing with the rope still damp and that worked out nicely: I was able to burnish each section longer without risk of burning through. Good to know, now that I've bought another 65 feet of 4mm and 95 feet of 8mm that needs processing . . .

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