Saturday, December 2, 2006


I desperately needed some downtime and reflection last night. My mundane brain said: "Watch a movie!" But the temple called louder.

So, I took the rope I'd been magickally processing last week and decided to do more with it.

I ran it through the washer on hot, and hung it to dry for just a couple of hours, then re-burnished it. With the ropes still damp, I could spend much more time on each spot to singe it without risk of burning through. I spent a long, meditative time reburnishing each rope twice through. And then I crocheted the rope again, still damp but sooty, and ran it through the washer again on hot. And then I did something I almost never do and ran the rope through the dryer until it was nearly dry, hoping to soften the fibers a bit more.

And - it seems to have worked! The rope smells like cut grass, not soot. It hasn't been oiled yet, but already it's soft. And most importantly, I can run it along the tender skin along the inside of my arm and it doesn't make me itch at all.

I'll oil it this afternoon, but already I am pleased with it. Which is good. I have 175 more feet of rope ready to be next.

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