Saturday, November 18, 2006

Knots and the Knotty Knaves who Taught Them

A common meme of Japanese-style rope play is that you really don't need to know many knots. In the FAQ for her Rope Dojo, Midori writes that in order to learn her work, you just need to be able to tie your shoelaces.

It's true. Most of my work so far -- from the down and dirty rope gag to the most elaborate corset -- has involved exactly two knots: a larkshead (or Cow's Hitch), and an overhand knot to attach more rope by using (you guessed it) a lark's head. There are a few other hitches that I use to keep the rope from tightening, but nothing too fancy.

But what if you are interested in more elaborate ties, or want to learn Western-style rope bondage (with its emphasis on single-strand ties)? Well, that's where Jack at Kinky Ropes come in. In his tutorial section you'll find a variety of easy-to-follow steps to tie a variety of western-style cuffs and harnesses, as well as Japanese forms like the karada. Pagan types should especially check out the Bio page for a lovely, lovely pentacle tie.

Not interested in the fancy ties? Be not intimidated! Remember, if you can tie your shoes . . .


Darkwingedfae said...

That is just too cool. I even like the color. Very sexy. How comfortable is it?

Congrats on finishing!! I will have to show you my next batch of suede when I finfished.

Miriam Green said...

I'll have to let the model say how comfortable it was, if she wants to. I can say that she wore the corset with pride most of the night, and looked fantastic.