Friday, February 2, 2007

When I Rule the World . . .

. . . there shall be a rope SIG every weekend, as well as matter transporters between here and cities with cool rope classes.

Sadly, my rulership of the world has not yet been confirmed but I am looking forward to the Houston SIG, which is only a weekend away. All that talk of poly yesterday, but I think it's not really the poly part that gets to me. It's geography, and the solid fact that my darling Pyrate Lass and Cap'n live three hours away.

In the meantime, I have these vague ideas of a big date with a garden center on Sunday morning. I think I might use my newfound rope skills to put in the bean trellis to end all bean trellises. I'm thinking a bamboo tripod with tons and tons of 4mm unprocessed hemp creating a pretty web for the pole beans to climb. This requires putting in a new garden bed big enough to hold the darned thing, which means a day of futzing around, digging and sheet mulching. (Which I have to say is more appealing at the moment than my alternate plans of possibly dancing till all hours Saturday night. Sometimes I'm just old and boring that way . . . )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the bean trellis idea! I'm all in a mood for planting this week, too.
If by chance you're on LJ, my handle is austingoddess2k; otherwise I'm austingoddess2k at the Y.

- Tammy, from yesterday's rope event