Sunday, November 26, 2006

Containing Beauty and Darkness: Twinned Pentacles of Power Exchange

The original version of this article was published in Witcheye: A Journal of Feri Uprising Issue 13. The article has been slightly amended for those who might not be familiar with Feri traditions and tools.

In the Feri creation myth, the Star Goddess looks into the mirror of space, sees her opposite mirrored back, and falls in love. Through her ecstasy, she births twins: brothers and lovers, tumbling in cosmic play. These divine twins circle and dance, spinning out universes of possibility and transformation, generating transformative energy through the cycling of their difference, and the axis of their common birth.

The twins dance through us when we are entwined with our lovers, spinning threads of difference:

Light and darkness.
Beauty and terror.
Pain and ecstasy.

Magick and Power Exchange

In the practice of power exchange, the divine twins can provide sacred patronage under which to hold the polarities of dominance and submission, or consensual sadomasochism. These practices provide a container through which lovers can generate powerful creative energy through the eroticism of difference.

Dominance and submission? Sadism and masochism? For magickians who haven't worked with these energies, the fit with the divine erotic might not be intuitive. Witches in some Feri lines (such as Starhawk in Reclaiming) have even called these types of play a perversion of life force. So, what do I mean when I invoke these charged words?

While far from simple, BDSM roles function most simply as priest/ess and trance journeyer. A top or dominant in a consensual scene functions as priest/ess - the person who watches, directs and manages the flow of intense energy. This allows the bottom or submissive to safely travel as edgewalker - one who through the skilled facilitation of the top can navigate the inner worlds of altered consciousness and journey to other realms.

One route to ecstasy is the use of sensation play, which may include sensory stimulation, sensory deprivation, or pain play. Midori, a teacher and writer in the BDSM scene, is careful to distinguish between pain play and the larger field of sensation play. I am fond of her definition of a sadist as one who enjoys creating intense sensation (of whatever type) in another. Other roles might involve fantasy play without physical contact - we might think of this as ritual theater. For the purposes of this article, I will use "top" to describe those taking on the active role: be that sadist, dominant, or some other role. I will use "bottom" to describe the participant who is being directed, by that in a masochistic, or submissive, or service role, or in some other way. (A full description of the roles of BDSM top or bottom can take an entire book - and has! I strongly recommend The Topping Book and The Bottoming Book by Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy for more information on this topic.)

BDSM practitioners largely describe their play as "safe, sane and consensual". Others call their play "risk-aware consensual kink," acknowledging more explicitly that while we aim for work that is ultimately safe, this work -- like the work of Feri itself -- is dangerous, not least in the sense that it is life changing. Both terms draw a firm line between the fully-informed consent of power exchange and non-consensual abuse. In both models, our task is to create strong containers in which to do edgy work as safely and intentionally as possible for those involved.

The Iron Pentacle

In Feri, one of the best such anchors is the Iron Pentacle. Daily work with the birthright powers of Sex, Pride, Self, Power and Passion keeps us grounded and centered and serves as an anchor for the rest of our work.

A full exploration of the Iron Pentacle is beyond the scope of any one article. In Feri, the work of the Iron Pentacle is considered the work of a lifetime: a tool to be contemplated in meditation, a set of energies to be run through the body, an anchor to one's iron blood and the iron core of the earth herself. Learning to distinguish between the pure Iron Will of Pride, for example, and differentiate that quality from shame or arrogance requires ruthless self-examination and vital courage. It is not undertaken lightly. Those who wish to undertake this work might seek out a local Reclaiming or Feri teacher; both traditions teach Iron Pentacle as a core class. In areas where such classes aren't available, I recommend T. Thorn Coyle's excellent Evolutionary Witchcraft.

Power Exchange Pentacles

Seeking a way to integrate my BDSM work with my magickal practice, I created the Power Exchange Pentacles as a working tool. These pentacles stack on top of and beneath the Iron Pentacle to initiate and anchor a shift from ordinary consciousness into 'topspace' or 'bottomspace' for BDSM play. Because of the way topspace and bottomspace play off one another in scene, one danger of scening is that we become reactive rather than fully embodying action and choice within our roles. (This danger might seem more intuitive for the bottom, but in fact is true in either role.) These pentacles keep us in the realm of action rather than reaction. They anchor both topspace and bottomspace as a conscious choice, fully connected with our Will and our Iron birthrights, allowing for deeper and more intentional travel into the altered spaces of scene play.

The Topping Pentacle

Circumference, Domination, Guardianship, Control, Compassion

Start by grounding, aligning and centering. If there is anything obstructing your energy, or which may cause you to confuse your priest/essing role with actual domination or control, use a purification rite to release those blocks.

Ground a cord to the center of the earth, and on a breath pull up the molten energy from the earth's core to the center of your head, the point of Sex. Run the Iron Pentacle through your body, feeling the hot, red iron energy energize the points of Sex, Pride, Self, Power and Passion. Run the Iron Pentacle across your body until you feel completely filled with and grounded in these energies, and then run once more around the body to seal the pentacle: From Sex to Self, to Passion, to Pride, to Power.

At the head, feel the spirit of Sex shift into Circumference. Running to the right leg, feel Pride shift to the role of Domination. Running the energy up to the left arm, feel Self shift into Guardianship. Running the energy across to the right arm, feel Power shift to Control. Running the energy down to the left leg, feel Passion shift to Compassion.

Continue run the energy across the body. As you do, feel the Iron energy begin to cool slightly. From the molten Iron which connects you to the earth, allow these energies to transform, through your cool-headedness, into an iron cauldron in which you can contain the energies of BDSM work. Feel your ability to hold the circumference and spirit of the work, your pride in holding a hot role that will please your bottom, your expansive ability to guard your partner's safe journeys to the edges of their Self, your ability to competently control and ground the energies of the scene, and your deep compassion for the emotional changes that this work brings.

Circumference, Domination, Guardianship, Control, Compassion. Run the pentacle across your body until you feel the cool power of the compassionate and competent top, fully grounded in the connection of your iron cauldron to the life force in the heart of the earth. When you are ready, run the pentacle once more around your body, as God Herself would draw it onto you: Circumference, Guardianship, Compassion, Domination, Control. Anchor those energies into your body, knowing that you can reconnect with these points as needed to facilitate your scene.

The Bottoming Pentacle

Center, Submission, Edgewalking, Release, Trust

Start by grounding, aligning and centering. If there is anything at all which obstructs your energy, or which may might cause you to confuse your choice to submit with true subordination, use a purification rite to release those blocks and to honor your power.

Check in with yourself. Are you starting from a place of power and in alignment with your Will? If you cannot answer both questions with "yes," this is probably not the time to scene. Remember: you cannot exchange power you do not have.

Ground a cord to the center of the earth, and on a breath pull up the molten energy from the earth's core to the center of your head, the point of Sex. Run the Iron Pentacle through your body, feeling the hot, red iron energy energize the points of Sex, Pride, Self, Power and Passion. Run the IP across your body until filled with and grounded in these energies, and then run once more around the body to seal the pentacle.

In your head, feel the spirit of Sex shift into Center. Running to the right leg, feel Pride shift to the role of Submission. Running the energy up to the left arm, feel Self shift into Edgewalking. Running the energy across to the right arm, feel Power allow for Release. Running the energy down to the left leg, feel Passion build Trust.

Continue to run the energy across the body. As you do so, allow the Iron energy to remain molten and flow freely. Feel your sex energy at the center remain fluid, allowing you to flexibly and move with the spirit of the play to come. Move through your sex energy deeply into the edgespace at your center, the center of sacred work and sacred play. Step into a submissive role that is rooted in the heat of your pride: your ability to submit without shame to pleasure. Step into the airy and spacious edges of self. Empower yourself to release your agency for the duration of the scene. Passionately open to the deep waters of trust for your partner and the intensity of your desire.

Center, Submission, Edgewalking, Release, Trust. Run the pentacle across your body until you feel the liquid force of a fully empowered and willing bottom, fully grounded in the connection of your molten iron energy with the life force in the heart of the earth. When you are ready, run the pentacle once more around your body, as God Herself would draw it onto you: Center, Edgewalking, Trust, Submission, Release. Anchor those energies into your body, knowing that you can reconnect with these points as needed to relax fully into your scene.

Using the Pentacles

I most often use the Topping or Bottoming Pentacle as a solo practice to prepare myself not only for going into scene, but also for gaining clarity before going into kink-focused social events. I am a 'switch' (taking on a topping or bottoming role situationally, rather than preferring one or the other as an ongoing role), but started out bottoming. When I was first topping, I found the Topping pentacle very useful in solidifying an active priestessing role that was less intuitive for me.

Two or more partners can also run the pentacles simultaneously as a part of creating sacred space for a scene, starting by running iron together, then shifting into the respective pentacles to create the container for the work.

BDSM can lead to intense altered states. After the scene is completely finished, it's a good idea to fully release the topping and bottoming roles. Running the Iron Pentacle in tandem with your partner or alone is a good way to come fully back to 'normal' consciousnes after this work.

Sex: Circumference: Center

Sex is our connection to life force, which allows us to embody spirit through Ecstasy. In sexual exchanges without power play, the sex force might feel deeply connective: merging, entwining, becoming closer. In power exchange, connective life force also runs deeply, but it does so within a container created by difference and distinction, tension and differentiation. The top distances energetically from the bottom, and in so doing intensifies the arc of desire: the distance between lover and beloved opens up a space for longing.

The energetic connection between top and bottom is that of circumference to center, which opens to the mystery: these are in fact the same space after all.

Pride: Domination: Submission

The points of domination and submission are located at the position of pride. BDSM treats these positions as chosen roles for a type of ritual theater, not static positions. Many BDSM practitioners will tell you that the true power in a scene lies with the submissive, who chooses the parameters of the scene, and holds a 'safe word' to stop or pause the scene should it cross their boundaries, stated or unstated.

Feri tradition cautions witches not to submit their life force to any person or thing. It's important to note that submission in BDSM is not a giving over of the life force but rather a conscious choice made to explore polarity play, typically for a limited duration. Submission in scene is a deliberate role taken on, in alliance with the dominating priest/ess, to harness and contain life force. Domination is a role to embody the submissive's fantasies and desires. As with any ritual theater role, the roles of dominant and submissive are best aspected from a starting position of pride.

Self: Guardianship: Edgewalking

The energies of power exchange play -- like all magick -- can be deeply transformative. Cultivating a strong sense of Self allows tops and bottoms to step clearly and fully into those roles -- and back out of them.

In play, the bottom is able to explore edges. It is the edge that is impacted by sensation play, where the top and his or her tools come up against the boundary of the skin. D/s play may work the psychological edges, exploring taboos that might be unacceptable to the everyday self. Particularly for bottoms, BDSM creates an opening for altering consciousness at will and exploring both inner space and other realms.

The responsible top functions as a guardian, allowing the bottom to safely navigate these other realms, watching that the bottom is able to safely explore their edges without in fact transgressing the boundaries needed to keep play safe.

Power: Control: Release

In order to exchange power, we must first have power to exchange. I cannot exchange power with you if I don't have any. BDSM is best suited to those who have a strong sense of their own power, and who are able to remain fully grounded.

One priestess has told me that she doesn't care for the term "power-exchange," because power is not truly exchanged through this work if done well, but is increased for both partners. Perhaps another way of looking at this point is agency exchange. The bottom consciously releases agency within a negotiated set of parameters that they would presumably not agree to out of scene. Stated or unstated, the bottom has asked to cede their power for the duration of play: "I will allow you to tie me up," or "Please spank me with a wooden paddle," or "Please order me to serve you." Within those parameters, the top controls the direction of the scene. On the meta-level, the bottom retains several measures of true agency: by participating in pre-negotiating the scene, and by holding 'safe words' that will allow them to stop or pause the scene if needed. Within the container of the scene, the bottom has the freedom to release their agency, knowing that their top will competently exercise control.

Passion: Compassion: Trust

BDSM can be 'technical', but it remains rooted in passion and desire. This play can open deep emotions and vulnerabilities for both partners.

Tops work best with compassion. As a top, I may be wielding a whippy cane or saying 'mean' things, but I can only do so safely with a profound respect for the bottom who is playing with me and who takes these blows. Topping without compassion risks crossing over in to abuse.

Compassion does not begin and end with a scene. When negotiating for a scene, it is important to hear what your partner does -- and does not -- want with compassion for both desire and its limits. It is not acceptable to denigrate another's wishes, especially in the vulnerable space of negotiation and scene. If as a top I cannot accommodate your desires, I need to speak to this compassionately. "How on earth can you be into that?" would be devastating to the bottom who has just confessed a taboo desire to me in trust. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I can meet your needs for that. How about . . . ?" respects both the top's own desires and the integrity of a bottom's passion and trust. Even more importantly, a top must always respect limits and safewords. Boundaries are sacrosanct; a compassionate top does not violate them nor push.

A bottom needs to trust first their own instincts and then the top with whom they are playing. Trust in self always comes first. As a bottom, it is essential for me to listen to my fetch, that part of me that holds both my animal desire and my bodily knowing. There is a difference between fun and exhilarating fear, and actual concern. I have the obligation to myself to not play any top that will not honor my concerns or limits. If I run into a major concern mid-scene, I need to have the trust in myself and my top to use my safewords. Only after I fully trust myself can I begin to trust any top. Presumably, if I am playing with a top, I already have built some trust. Within scene, I should be willing to give that top a certain amount of agency and energetic support. And, if I have feedback, I should also give that with some compassion. (Tops are vulnerable, too!)


BDSM contains deep tools for healing, personal transformation, and ecstatic magick. BDSM can be used with intention to fully explore our full capacity as sexual human beings, and to know ourselves in all of our parts -- including parts that in everyday life are considered taboo or forbidden. Using our magickal tools -- alignment, purification, pentacle work -- reaffirms the sacred nature of this work.

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